
Procom MH1-MMR / MH 1-MMR

Antenna procom MH1-MMR / MH 1-MMR


- Black-chromed, conical stainless steel whip.
- Elegant transition between whip and mounting surface due to slim-line mount.
- 30° tiltable whip. Stainless steel X-mount with M6-thread whip-fastening system.
- Simple mounting exclusively with access from the outside.
- Models available with X-mount (oblong), XG-mount (oblong with GPS), CX-mount (circular) and MM-mount (magnetic).
- Choose between four connection possibilities:
- X-mount, CX-mount, MM-mount: FME-connection (supplied without cable).
- XP4-mount, CXP4-mount: Permanently attached 4 m cable terminated with FME-connector.
- XG-Combi mount: FME-connection and GPS (supplied without cable).
- XGP4-Combi mount: Permanently attached 4 m cable terminated with FME-connector for whip and 0.15 m RG 178 with MFME for GPS.
- Easily removable whip for car wash.

- GPS-antenna for fixed installations.
- Full hemispherical coverage.
- Built-in high-gain, low-noise amplifier.
- Right-Hand Circular Polarization (RHCP).
- 2.85 V - 5 V supply voltage (typical 3 V).

- MH 1-MMR : MM-mount with FME-system (magnetic)
FREQUENCY : Tunable by cutting within: 144…175 MHz (Also applicable: 175…225 MHz)

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Procom MH1-MMR / MH 1-MMR

  • MH 1-MMR
    ¼ λ Mobile Antenna for the 160 MHz Band
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